Challenge Results

These are all the challenges results that have been posted on Mozak.

  • Date: Jun 2, 2017 UTC
  • Consensus: 110622 (105%) Gold Standard: 105203 This is one of the best full reconstructions the citizens have done. Congratulations! All the dendrites look good, and the axon is almost entirely captured, despite being very dense, and quite faint in some places.
  • Date: Jun 2, 2017 UTC
  • Consensus: 34995 (170%) Gold Standard: 20566 (Dendrite-Only) This comparison is to a dendrite-only reconstruction, so the % shown above should be ignored. The dendrites look quite good, compared to the gold standard. Without a comparison, it is difficult to say anything about the axon. There appears to be relatively little false positive.
  • Date: Jun 2, 2017 UTC
  • Consensus: 69698 (66%) Gold Standard: 105413 One faint dendrite branch was missed, but otherwise, the dendrites look quite good. The axon for this cell becomes very faint deeper in the slice, and most of that signal was missed. The false positive that was captured was mostly the pial surface of the brain. This is commonly mistaken for real signal, but should not be reconstructed.
  • Date: Jun 2, 2017 UTC
  • Consensus: 83081 (110%) Gold Standard: 75721 This is a very good consensus. All the dendrites and almost all the axon were captured. There is some false positive on the left side of the reconstruction. Remember, if it can?t be followed back to the main structure, it?s probably not real signal.


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