Posted on May 18, 2018 UTC by szetor

Hi players, we recently updated our guide pages located here. It now includes several video clips to aid you in your tracing, so be sure to check them out if you become unsure what to do! Also included in this update were fixes to glitches in the tutorial levels and a problem where comments in the 2D map view sometimes became no longer clickable.

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Posted on Apr 24, 2018 UTC by szetor

04/25/18- Hi players, we recently released bug fixes to address the issues noted in the earlier new post. These changes were to improve performance using the Disconnected view mode, fix issues with traces disappearing in the 2D view, and fixes to crashes in consensus system.

Currently we are investigating issues with scoring on some of the neurons using the old consensus system and with comments not showing up in the 2D view. Thanks for your patience.

04/23/18- Hi players,

Unfortunately we have encountered a number of bugs after our most recent consensus updates.

This includes:
Poor performance when turning on the Disconnected View Mode
Traces being clipped, not visible when going back to the 2D neuron view.
Consensus and scores not being updated for the neurons Human-FL-01 and Human-MTG-12

We are working hard to resolve these issues as soon as we can. Apologies and thank you for your patience. If you encounter any other bugs please feel free to use our forums or chat to report them.

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Posted on Apr 19, 2018 UTC by smortier

In this latest update we have overhauled how the back end ‘consensus’ system behaves. This system is what is responsible for aggregating all player traces into a single trace that eventually gets passed to our partner neuroscientists to use in their research. This should not meaningfully change the way you play the game too much with a couple of exceptions that are hopefully improvements over the current system. The first is that consensus will no longer alter your own trace history. If you go to the settings menu and toggle consensus to ‘Off’, you will only see your work and ignore traces added by consensus. However, we recommend you keep this ‘On’, which will show a merged view of consensus with your work. Relatedly, the new algorithm should do a better job of remembering and preserving any connections to and from consensus nodes. This way you can easily see which parts of the neuron need more traces. The other major change is that consensus updates should be occurring much more frequently than before so you should see your scores update at a more consistent interval.

Again, thank you players for your contributions and patience. We will be continuing to make improvements to the consensus system in future in order to both make your tracing experience better and to have all of your hard work be higher quality.

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Posted on Apr 14, 2018 UTC by smortier

It’s Citizen Science Day and the fine folks over at the Human Computation Institute together with SciStarter have put together an event called the CitSciDay HERO challenge. Players go around and try out some cool citizen science games and earn badges. You may have guessed it, Mozak is involved this year! There are likely to be some fresh faces in chat from people coming by to earn their badge so feel free to welcome them to our awesome community. If you want to check out the event (or claim your Mozak badge!) check out the blog post here.

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