Time to Trace a New Path
Posted on Apr 21, 2017 UTC by inkycatz

Hi tracers! Today’s news is a little bittersweet - I am leaving the Center for Game Science to embark upon a new opportunity. Fortunately, we have a strong developer core here, and they have promised to take care of things in the interim as they search for your next great Community Manager. Please continue to use the forums to file your bug issues and fantastic suggestions - they already have quite the list thanks to all of you, but as you know, the work never really stops.

Keep an eye on UW Hires in the near future to find out when the position will be made available. If all goes as planned it probably won’t be up for long. It will be based on campus, here in Seattle.

Thank you so much for letting me be your Community Manager through this essential early beta period. I look forward to hearing exciting news about Mozak and the discoveries you will all make together. Also, you may see me around here contributing to a neuron or two in my spare time and making a chase on those leaderboards - it turns out I?ve also learned a thing or two about neuron reconstruction with everyone else.

In the meantime, farewell, and thank you!


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