Our First Human Neuron
Posted on Feb 3, 2017 UTC by inkycatz

It is time for our first human neuron in Mozak, appropriately titled: Human-MTG-01. This neuron is from the Middle Temporal Gyrus. According to the DNA Learning Center, the middle and inferior temporal gyri are involved in cognitive processes, including semantic memory, language, visual perception, and sensory integration.

Looking for more information on the brain? Try BrainFacts.org for fundamental information on how the brain functions, with additional information for general use on the neuroscience behind the causes, symptoms, and outcomes of brain disorders. To read more specifics about the MTG, feel free to consult BrainInfo (developed here at the University of Washington, Seattle).

Additionally, Mouse-V1-15 will be disappearing (for processing from our scientists) around noon Pacific time on Monday, February 6.


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