Posted on May 6, 2017 UTC by szetor

Many of you may have noticed that the two most recently released challenges, Mouse-V1-32 and Mouse-V1-33, have not had scores calculated. The consensus process that determines scores has run into several issues that we are trying to fix. The issues are mainly due to the large amount of traces we recieved have recieved recently. Rest assured all your work has been saved despite these issues.

Due to these recent complications we are temporarily turning off consensus on some of the previous challenges and releasing two fresh ones, Mouse-V1-34 and Mouse-V1-35, which should be scored much sooner.

Apologies for the issues and thank you for your understanding.

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Posted on May 4, 2017 UTC by smortier

Yesterday, KOMO News featured an article about Mozak and one of our local players!
"Since Mozak launched in November, developers at the UW say about 200 people a day have been playing Mozak, which has allowed Allen Institute neuroscientists to reconstruct neurons 3.6 times faster than previous methods."
Huge thanks to both KOMO News and our local player, Marilyn, who was featured!
You can read the full article here.

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Posted on May 2, 2017 UTC by szetor

Hi players, we have recieved feedback from our partners at AIBS that two challenges currently posted are complete. Human-TC-06 and Mouse-V1-29 will be removed today, May 2nd at 5:00PM PDT and replaced with two ones.

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Posted on Apr 29, 2017 UTC by szetor

Hello players, unfortunately the issues with loading challenges have persisted through this morning. As such we are deploying a hotfix at around 12:30PM PDT. During this deployment, the game will not be playable and attempting to play a challenge will show a blank screen. We expect the deployment to finish within an hour.

Again we apologize for the issues and inconvienence.

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