Posted on Jun 2, 2017 UTC by smortier

We’ve got loads of feedback for you to peruse at your leisure. Overall, our resident neuroscientist - alexh - had very positive words of encouragement. Mozak’s citizen neuroscientists are rocking those reconstructions! Axons are being reconstructed with greater quality and we are getting some very nice, full reconstructions overall. One area to look out for is that extra “noise” that is often being mistaken for neuron signal. A good rule of thumb is “if it can?t be followed back to the main structure, it?s probably not real signal.”
The following challenges now have feedback, if you wish to get a more detailed view:











Exceptional work, everyone! Keep it up!

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Posted on Jun 1, 2017 UTC by szetor

Hi players, we have just posted new challenges for you to start contributing to. Several of the older ones ran into a problem where the consensus trace simply became too large to process further in our current system so we had to remove them. They will still be sent to our partners at AIBS for analysis and feedback.




The newest mouse neurons do not have a gold standard yet, meaning that the AIBS scientists will be using your traces as a starting point in their expert reconstructions. Accurate traces will be extra important in these challenges. Thank you for your hard work!

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Posted on May 31, 2017 UTC by szetor

Hi players, we are pushing an emergency hotfix for some pretty severe performance issues at 4:45pm that were affecting all the posted neurons. It should only take a handful of minutes. Apologies for the inconvienence.

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Posted on May 31, 2017 UTC by szetor

Hi players, tomorrow around 9:00am PDT we will have a very brief downtime (should be less than 15 minutes) to perform some application updates. Included as part of these updates is the addition of undo/redo capabilities in the client app. Please feel free to share your thoughts of this new feature when it gets released in the chat channel or forums.

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