Scientist feedback: Mouse Neuron 11/4/2016
Posted on Dec 7, 2016 UTC by inkycatz

Hello community!

Allen Institute for Brain Science scientist ?Alexh? compiled some thoughts on our recent puzzle, and we wanted to share them with you.

“Late last week, I did a comparison between the latest cell and the gold standard. Overall, I was very encouraged by the result. For the dendrites particularly, there was good agreement between traces.

Almost every segment of dendrite was represented in the consensus, and I even found a place where tracers captured a dendritic branch that we missed in the gold standard (A)! There were also places where the community mistakenly extended a branch (B), or created a surprisingly plausible looking structure out of noise (C). Additionally, there are very short segments (D) that are also false positives. The false positives shown at B, C and D, are all a product of artifactual signal near the surface of the slice. We have learned it is common that the first few planes near the surface of the tissue will have a lot of junk that looks like signal so we are extra discerning when tracing in that zone.”

Good work, everyone! We can?t wait to see what you accomplish next!


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