Behind the Scenes Update - NEW FEATURES DISCUSSION
Posted on Jul 7, 2017 UTC by smortier

We?re working on some cool things here at Mozak Headquarters. Many of you have requested a way to connect two traces using Connect-the-Dots mode. You?ll be happy to hear, this feature will be available soon! Also coming up in the very near future, you?ll be able to jump multiple resolution levels at once, rather than going through them one at a time. There is an upcoming fix to save your menu settings when you switch challenges or step away from the game AND updates to the Connect-the-Dots tutorial to incorporate information about Auto Z-Depth. A bigger change that is coming a little bit further down the road is a new view that will allow players to see where traces aren?t connecting back to the soma (cell body). This should help us create better, fully-connected neurons!

What do you think about these upcoming features? Are there other features you feel would improve gameplay in a big way? Feedback welcome in this forum post.


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