New Scientist Comments + Postponing Challenge Closure
Posted on May 24, 2017 UTC by szetor

Our partners at AIBS shared some updates on the progress on all the current active challenges. Here are their notes:

Mouse-V1-37: There are still lots of connections to be made between the axon, and some weak deep axon.

Mouse-ALM-16: Still some connections to be made within the axon.

Mouse-ALM-17: There is a lot that players will get without comments.

Mouse-ALM-18: I left lots of comments directing players to faint axon.

Due to issues with the saving of traces earlier this morning and afternoon, we are postponing the closure of Mouse-V1-37 and Mouse-ALM-16 until Friday 12:00PM PDT. Very sorry to all players who lost work during this time, we still greatly appreciate your time and contributions.


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